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Where is Satellogic Inc.’s (“Satellogic”) corporate headquarters?
Kingston Chambers, PO Box 173
Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands
Where is Satellogic incorporated?
Satellogic is incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.
When did Satellogic go public?
Satellogic went public on January 26, 2022.
On what stock exchange are Satellogic shares traded and what is the ticker symbol?
Satellogic trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under ticker symbol “SATL.”
What is Satellogic’s CUSIP number?
G7823S 101
When does Satellogic’s fiscal year end?
Satellogic’s fiscal year ends the same as the Calendar year, December 31st.
Does Satellogic pay dividends?
Satellogic does not pay dividends.
Who to contact with questions about Satellogic’s shares?
Does Satellogic have a direct stock purchase plan?
Who are the members of Satellogic’s Board of Directors?
Steven Mnuchin, Howard Lutnick, Marcos Galperin, Bradley Halverson, Ted Wang, and Emiliano Kargieman. See here for more information.
Who are the members of the Satellogic management team?
Satellogic’s management team includes CEO & Founder Emiliano Kargieman; CTO, CISO, & Founder Gerardo Richarte; CFO Rick Dunn; COO & Chief of Staff Aviv Cohen; General Counsel Rebeca Brandys; President of Satellogic NA Matt Tirman; EVP of Sales Brian Lantier; and VP of People, Julia Dormaar. See here for more information.
Where can I find all of Satellogic’s SEC filings?
Satellogic’s SEC filings can be found on the SEC website here.
Where can I download and view quarterly and annual reports?
Satellogic’s quarterly filings and annual reports can be found on the SEC website here.
How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?
Who are the Company’s independent registered public accountants?
PISTRELLI, HENRY MARTIN Y ASOCIADOS S.R.L., Member of Ernst & Young Global
Who is the Company’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
Continental is Satellogic’s transfer agent. They can be contacted by phone +1 202-509-4000 or by email